Or, e-mail Melissa@PremiumOrganization.com | If you prefer directing your resources and attention immediately toward your programs and services rather than building and maintaining infrastructure, then allow us to Create Your Presence. In addition to the initial expense of building a safe and functional physical space and infrastructure, there are ongoing costs for upgrading systems, maintaining hardware and software licenses. Adjusting to fluctuating capacity and seasonal swings can be overwhelming to a volunteer board and cash flow draining to nonprofit coffers. We have the physical office space, systems infrastructure and personnel capacity in place, easily adoptable and quickly scalable, so you can focus on your vision and mission and programs. The Premium Organization Office in a Box is available for a monthly subscription fee, and includes:
In general, we absorb all of these day to day operational expenses into our monthly subscription fee structure. For large and special projects, such as major mailings and outreach efforts, we track and charge out of pocket expenses through to our clients. |